The right time
By Jelle

Wherever we go, we always hear te same thing: you came at the wrong moment. This time it’s ‘You should have come in may for the goose hunt. You should have come in summer, we could have taken you out to fish. You should have come in autumn voor the moose hunt.’ Its always the same. If you really want to get to know a place, you should spend a year there, but we don’t have that kind of time. We always come on the wrong moment. But this time it is really the worst moment. There is a cold spell in Canada. The temperature hovers between -30 and -40 celsius. Jeroens camera freezes outside. It is simply too cold to do our work. 

That doesn’t mean we can’t do anything. The camp where we stay in the coming days is warm and comfortable and we are in good company: a dozen Waswanipi Cree First Nation that come here to hunt. Every season has opportunities for game. Fish or birds. Moose and the occasional porcupine. But the coming days nothing is possible, it’s too cold for that. All we have is ourselves. But that’s not too bad. 

Making a campfire in the forest at minus 38 degrees Celcius